Day 6 - My Favorite Bedroom

Good day to you! I hope yesterday's challenge was fun. Today we are continuing the autobiography. So far we're covered 5 days, which is half way to the end:

  1. Favorite Things
  2. What's Your Power
  3. All About You
  4. Dream Big
  5. What to Invent
Today we're going to write about what your dream bedroom would look like. Here's an example of mine:

My dream bedroom would have the coolest stuff. It would have a licorice dispenser in the wall that had a button. Every time I push the button I would get licorice! My room would also have a secret trap door that would lead me to my own tree house in the backyard!

Well you get the idea. Have fun!

Today's Fun Fact: A hummingbird weighs less than a penny. That's light! (Source: Fun Factz please note that the Fun Factz sites has information that is not kid friendly).


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