Day 4 - Dream Big

Day 4 is going to be all about your kids of course! We are still following the week's challenge: an autobiography. Today, the prompt is going to be:

What are your dreams?

Have your kids write about their dreams when they grow up. Do they want to live in a house with an indoor pool? Do you want your own pet giraffe? How about ice cream every night for dinner? Or maybe you want to help out the less fortunate and win the Nobel Peace Prize? Whatever it is, write it down.

Have them write enough to cover a page in full or partial sentences depending on how old your child is.

As always, give them a second sheet so they can draw out everything they are dreaming about and store both pages somewhere safe.

Today's fun fact: There are 300 bones in a child's body, but only 206 in the average adult human. Why? Because as you grow, your bones fuse together. So make sure to get your calcium! (Fun Fact compliments of High Tech Science).


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