Day 11 - A Scientific Anthem

Today's challenge is to find a song that you really like. For example, find your favorite tune from the radio or your iPod (if you have one). For the younger kids, you can use a tune like the ABC's or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. It's whatever you want. Now, you're going to listen to the song, but instead of singing along with the words it has already, you're going to make up your own words that have to do with science. Use your imagination!

What to do:

  • Write down everything to do with a scientific idea (such as the life stages of plants or animals or photosynthesis). You will have to do some research for this.
  • Begin to find words that rhyme together.
  • Write down your words and sing them to your song! Have fun!

Today's Fun Fact: The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language. Try to find them all! (Source: PMBC).


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