Day 10 - You're a Character

Today's the final day of your child's autobiography. After the activity today you should have two pages for every day, which makes twenty pages: ten written on each prompt, and ten drawings of the prompts.

Today the prompt is this: If you were a character from any book, who would you be and why? What would you do in certain situations?

Have fun writing this! And then draw a picture of yourself as the book character.

Then put together the twenty pages and staple them along the side. If you'd like, you can even create your own cover page and staple that on too. Just have fun. When you're done, you can read your autobiography to your parents!

Today's Fun Fact: Did you know 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321. (source: Teal Dragon. Please note that not all the facts on this site are kid-friendly).


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